Monday, January 19, 2015

O/B: Week Two

There's a lot of fucking stress involved with this internship.

Week one can be summarized as... hopeful. Week two? Terrified. I have turned in a blog post for O/B that focused on the Wild and Scenic Film Festival in Bozeman on the 21. There were a lot of potent editorial changes that helped strengthen my writing, and I'm really grateful for the opportunity to grow in those ways. I know I need to be careful to always use the oxford comma, and I need to work on tightening up my language in many ways-- starting with OMITTING NEEDLESS WORDS. This work space will function as a practice field.

I still hold fast and strong to my opinion that the editors are on my side (in the end). Mike and Tuck both have been super helpful and thorough while explaining some of my mistakes, which I really appreciate.

So far this week I was assigned my articles for the spring issue. I have five main articles (I won't go into complete details here for fear of infringement). They focus on running, drinking, wilderness areas, raptor conservation and the outlook, which is a photo-accompanied piece. I should also have a gear review on the horizon, but I can't comprehend that quite yet. These are due by a deadline that makes me queasy, Feb. 2nd. With a full semester load, capstone, 2 jobs? Bring it...


Some things I'm learning:

1. Don't ask needless questions. If you can find the answer in some way yourself, do that. Always.

2. Don't assume you know more than anyone.

3. Anticipating something will only bring problems. Example: There was a clarification issue about the publication of an online article. After not hearing back from either of the editors for 30 minutes, and dealing with a time-sensative article, I published. Mistake. Not only did this bring me enormously spiked stress levels (on the night of my birthday, to top it all off) but it made me look like an idiot, sending out chains of inquisitive emails and finally taking the wrong action upon myself. Lesson learned, I suppose.

4. USE AND LOVE YOUR STYLE GUIDE: I wrote my first article and wanted to shoot myself when half the corrected errors from the publisher were right in front of me in the guide. Reliability-0.

5. The single return is the best keyboard short-cut in the books. Shift + enter. Badaboom.

Today we began looking at the beginning steps of copy-editing for the spring issue. Thank goodness for less OCD interns. And vodka.

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